2nd Biden admin official resigns over president's response to Gaza war

Collision Resistance@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 345 points –

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A vote for a fascist and a vote for a genocide supporter are both tossed in the trash. A vote for someone else is not.

Yeah… that’s not how it’s going to work. You should probably look into this before you take part in fucking things up.

He doesn’t support genocide. There has to be a military reaction to the Hamas terrorist attack. The big issue is Netanyahu who doesn’t care who dies as long as Hamas is defeated. Biden’s team is critical of the civilian toll but they’re not going to force Israel at gunpoint to not go after the terrorists that raped and maimed over a thousand Jews on October 7th.

So why are they forcing at gunpoint Palestinians not to go after the terrorists who so far after October 7th killed 3k childrens?

The us government and whoever is in charge for it support both genocide and Hamas as they are using it as a warrant for israel to expand their borders. Do you really believe they are unaware of the fact that indiscriminate bombing of gaza will bread even more terrorist? They are bombing thousand of childrens, they don't care about their own either, politicians and billionares do not fight their wars and neither care about anyone below them.

You know what they say, "an eye for an eye is the best policy for peace."

"Violence begets peace."

... something like that.