Slipstream rule to – 316 points –

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Oh, I'm aware that a trait surviving doesn't necessarily mean it's the best and I'm not trying to say that everything from the natural world is something you'd put in a design (you truly cannot understand how much I hate the human musculoskeletal system).

With that said, there are also a lot of really cool adaptions that can be utilised in R&D. My point was more a general comment about biomimicry being rad. Also, I think I was considering evolution as something of a...database that can be good to use when doing R&D.

Sorry if this isn't very coherent...I'm meant to be asleep...

Also always happy to hear about weird quirks of evolution!

Oh I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you feel like I think you're ignorant or something. I'm basically looking for an excuse to talk about a topic I enjoy.

Again, my apologies if I made you feel talked down to or anything negative.

I didn't mean to come across defensively and I apologise that I did! Your comment was rad and meant I looked up the cool, weird U turn nerve! Apparently the Supersaurus is estimated to have a RLN of 28m!

I hope you keep finding reasons to talk about topics you like and I'll try to be mindful of how comments I make may not be coming across as I intend them to.