Riot Games to add their kernel level anti-cheat "Vanguard" to League of Legends to Linux – 153 points –
Season 2024 Look Ahead: Champions, Modes, Arcane & More | Dev Video - League of Legends

Looks like the end of league of legends on Linux. Hopefully with the growing popularity we see some support in the future.


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People talk about playing LoL the same way they talk about meth

As they should. That said, other than some presumably rare scripters Riot really did make an incredibly well balanced (don't @ me salt lords) and easy player experience free of any obvious cheaters.

I wasted far too much of life on that game, and let it frustrate me way too much, but that doesn't mean I won't still log in every season and crush some noobs (and get crushed right back) until I hit Gold and can go back to ignoring it for another year, and I've never been able to say that about another game for ten years in a row.

But this...

This might finally set me free.

Dota still works on Linux and is a far superior game. Fight me :-)