Joe Biden campaign volunteers are quitting in "droves" to politics – 121 points –
Joe Biden campaign volunteers are quitting in "droves"

In a letter published Wednesday on Medium, an anonymous group of Biden's campaign staffers demanded the president call for a ceasefire in Gaza, citing concerns that not shifting his policy on the issue could hurt his 2024 chances.

"Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves, and people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for the first time ever, because of this conflict," the Medium letter read.

"It is not enough to merely be the alternative to Donald Trump," the campaigners continued. "The campaign has to shift the feeling in the pits of voters' stomachs, the same feeling that weighs on us every day as we fight for your reelection. The only way to do that is to call for a ceasefire."


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How? Guess vote 3rd party because it's a vote for Trump. Or maybe just vote for Trump.

Why? If Trump wins all of the undesirables, which is anyone not wearing a MAGA hat, will likely be interned in camps. At first. Then they'll find people who wear those too.

And because I doubt that you're acting in good faith, if you fail to see the parallels to 1930s Germany, and the rise of Adolf Hitler, then the school system that you attended should face a serious audit.

People didn't take him seriously either.

The greatest generation fought and died to end fascism in Europe. Now that they're all dead we get to see it rise in the United States.

And a vote for a 3rd party, which is the same as not voting, is allowing Trump to secure his rise as King to begin the Trump Dynasty. All hail God Emperor Trump!

Why are you talking about third party? When did I ever talk about that? "Well Trump will win if folks keep pushing through Genocidal Joe."

Well, what else would you mean there bud? Not voting? Well that's even worse.

Biden is the Democratic nominee. There is no one else.

Either you vote for Biden or you want Trump to win. Full stop.

When your child is born, will you be able to tell her or him that you supported the Democratic candidate and swallowed your pride?

Or that you "voted your conscience" and God Emperor Trump and his children began their 1000 year rei..reign?

Just because Biden is doing something that you disagree with -- this whole situation is horrible -- but think about it. What would you have him do?

Stop supporting Israel? They'll reach out to China. That's a net loss for geopolitics. It has no morals. It's about power and power coupons. Power coupons are money. Though since China supports Iran maybe they'll make them commit to peace in the middle east (or start world war 3, assuming that it hasn't started already)

Declare war on Israel? Okay but I don't see how that wouldn't lead to a second Trump victory. Real flip the table power move though.

And if for one minute you think that anything about how Trump would handle this situation would somehow be better, you seriously need to reassess the situation.

Trump would have boots on the ground in Gaza at best. No more aid for Gaza. Trump has no love in his heart for anyone but himself, certainly not Muslim refugees.

Yeah, it sucks. Biden is at least calling for restraint. Trump would be mask off genocide on Gaza. Literally.

For a more pragmatic view, check out Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube. Don't let his southern accent and beard fool you, he is genuinely well versed in geopolitics.

I'm talking about the primary kiddo. Biden is not the nominee yet.

There's not going to be a primary. Biden is the nominee. Sit down and drink your apple juice son.


We can continue to throw insults at each other. None of that is going to stop the genocide in Gaza or the likely genocide in the United States unless we do everything that we can to stop the Republicans from getting power ever again.

This isn't a Trump problem, he was just the convenient figurehead. It'll be at least thirty years before we see the other side of this. Please, just do the best that you can to protect your friends and family. I was young and principled once, Then I lived through Bush II and decided that the lesser of two evils is still better than pure evil.

Change has to come from the bottom, not the top. Run for local office. Run for the school board. Run for the parks department. Start or join a community network. Take care of each other and on a long enough timeline, we win.