Nikki Haley Is Exposing Donald Trump’s Greatest Weakness to politics – 48 points –
Nikki Haley Is Exposing Donald Trump’s Greatest Weakness

But Haley’s surge is revealing of a broader problem for Trump—one that could potentially derail the former president in the general election should he defeat her in the primary.

Women, including Republican women, still just don’t like the former president.

A recent survey of likely voters in New Hampshire distills the extent of the challenge for Trump. The poll, conducted by American Research Group, showed Trump beating Haley overall among GOP primary voters, 37 percent to 33 percent.

But among Republican women, Haley was running ahead of Trump by 6 points.


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Centrists in 2016: we shouldn't make Hillary Clinton the first female president. It'd make women look bad.

Centrists in 2024: Nikki Hayley as a response to Trump's sexism and other failures? To be our next president? Seems fine.

I think you misunderstand what centrists are or I do.

The Centrist™️ might be best personified by the old Englightened Centrist subreddit.

Basically, it's not someone who smokes weed on Friday, shoots at the shooting range on Saturday, goes to church on Sunday, and then volunteers at planned parenthood on Monday.

A Centrist™️ is someone who believes truth is found at the fifty yard line. They think if Trump wants to ban all Muslims coming into the US and his opponents do not, then maybe we should just find a way to screen Muslims extra hard. They believe every single word they read in a newspaper. They voted for Romney and then Trump and can't understand why, based on their policy and tone differences, this might appear super racist to a lot of Americans. The Centrist famously thinks pro life and pro choice are morons, we should just let women decide. The Centrist thinks Elon Musk is smart because he's an independent and a job creator. The Centrist was a boring capitalist twenty years ago, fell asleep, didn't realize how late stage shit got and how far fascist Republicans have become. The Centrist likes to say "but both sides" do x! (x might be "fundraise on abortions/guns")

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Continued: a Centrist (in this context) is NOT a liberal who is skeptical of the democratic party. A Centrist is not someone who has policy ideas not espoused by either party.

Okay so centrist isn't essential relabeling of a moderate liberal - then I probably agree with that.

Centrist (in this context) is NOT a liberal who is skeptical of the democratic party.

I'd disagree with that. As soon as you say Biden is too old or too conservative you're a conservative nazi hilter loving Trump supporter according to Lemmy.

You're first sentence isn't connected to the thought process of the 2nd sentence at all.

No, you are just supporting cult45 as the only possible result other than it being ignored would be suppressing the non-MAGAt Vote out of ignorance and no one is saying anything else. But lying to play victim is one of the central pillars of cult45, so it is quite possible you are a member and just lying about that as well.

it's you.

Nah I'm pretty sure they are coming at the centrist label from a far left perspective. I don't know any centrist who think the republican party is reasonable right now. I know right wing moderates who like Haley but they aren't centrists.