Biden address in Charleston South Carolina church interrupted by protestors calling for ceasefire to politics – 211 points –

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And we're NEVER going to get ranked vote with Biden or the current Democrats.

Au contraire. Ranked choice is gaining traction having been adopted in 62 jurisdictions. So change is possible right now.

So if you think protest voting is going to somehow snap the neo liberals out of their ideology and drag them in a more progressive direction, you're going to be in for a big disappointment.

This two party game has been going for 50 years in its current form (post civil rights era). The Democratic party hasn't fundamentally changed its tune during that time because people who run and get elected are rich and powerful enough to be isolated from any effects of fascists getting elected. They don't have to care like us peons / targets of hate.

We will (continue) make more progress by supporting efforts to change our voting methods. Eventually (and playing the long game is necessary; a single election will do nothing) rcv and similar will gain enough momentum that we will start to see viable parties appear with platforms we agree with more than the current main parties.

I really don't know what stops ranked choice voting from being a Democratic Party platform right now.

I'd feel a lot better about it becoming a reality if Joe Biden himself came up and said that's what we need to do.

What stops ranked choice from being a Democratic Party platform is that the Democratic Party has no incentive to reduce its power and neither does the Republican party

So they say they are going to do something. You know who said they were going to withdraw from Afghanistan? Democrats.

You know who did withdraw from Afghanistan? Orange Man.

If you trust the guy currently bypassing congress so he can commit genocide instead of to fix the democracy, I'm not entirely sure how to convince you otherwise.

That's odd because I distinctly remember all the Trumptards complaining about how horrible the withdrawal under Biden went. You sound like the jackass who was "just asking questions" about where Obama was on 9-11.

If you think one president is going to fix democracy you're always going to be disappointed. It is much easier to wreck than to fix.

If you think Democrats losing the presidency is going to fix the Democratic party, again, disappointment will be yours.

Ranked Choice (or similar) voting is something you work on at a state level.

But I've probably already said that to you in another comment in the past when you were saying the same kinds of things.

Biden has complete powers to fix it he could apppoint more judges if he wanted to.

It's in fact far easier to fix than you believe. It's just that Genocide Joe knows that if the two party trick fails none of his cultists have any reason to vote for him anymore.

Biden has complete powers to fix it he could apppoint more judges if he wanted to.

I'm talking about getting rid of the two party system. What are you talking about?


Biden doesn't support expanding the Supreme Court, White House says

Which would allow him to get rid of the two party system if he so desired.

Getting rid of the two party system is not something the president can unilaterally do.

Nor could we possibly expect the president or higher ups in either of the two parties to try even if they could. It really has nothing to do with the SCOTUS.

The reason we have only two viable parties is our system of voting. If we change elections at the local and state level to STAR voting, ranked choice voting, instant runoff, approval voting, or similar, other parties stand a far, far better chance.

As other parties get elected at the state level momentum builds, more jurisdictions pass such laws, and eventually we have it everywhere and for all elections.

I remember "no Obama can't do that, it would be an abuse of power" many times before Trump completely proved him wrong. The president can do a lot. A lot more than Biden is doing right now.

The only thing that Biden bypassses congress for is to send more weapons to commit genocide with.