These are the privacy permissions that you grant for Meta's new twitter competitor to – 2607 points –



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Don't we want these big platforms to adopt ActivityPub?

No. We don't. The more hands they have in the fediverse pie, the more influence they have over it. The more influence they have, the more control. The more control, the more at the whim of their decisions you are. The more at the whim of their decisions, the more power they have over you.

This should be common sense at this point.

IMO this is such a shortsighted take and defeats the point of federation because of a knee jerk response.

There is the potential for federation to grow massively with the injection of billions from big tech.

There is the potential for federation to grow massively with the injection of billions from big tech.

Sure, of course it would grow. But at what cost? And then who effectively owns it in the end? There's an inevitable outcome - one that you apparently aren't aware of.

My take is that we should defederate them so that they don’t become the de facto instance in the Fediverse. That way, the Fediverse remains what it is now—open and truly decentralized. By defederating and discouraging them, we’re signaling to potential new users that they’ll be stuck in their own bubble.

I don't see how it would be possible to stop them to be honest.

You may be right - perhaps it's inevitable, one way or another. I don't know.

I'm passive at this point.