trending hack sending emails about a support ticket

Knighthawk to – 209 points –

I've seen a few hundred of these emails in the past couple days coming in from multiple different companies.

I'm looking for more info.

at least one said it was zendesk, most did not say any software.

the tickets are being sent with CC addresses that contain large email lists. often others on the CC who don't know what's happening will reply "stop emailing me".

so far I've seen this coming in to multiple addresses and none of the sending companies are familiar either.

sounds familiar to anyone? any info on this? it's there a name i can lookup to find more info? i want to know what services this effects so i can properly protect my stuff and my work stuff.


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Reply-all with "unsubscribe"

Edit: Jesus, y'all are dense.

Don't confirm your email, it only increases its value to the black hats.

Oh shucks my super serious suggestion wasn't the best idea?

My comment was to others who didn't see that you used that sarcastic font when you hit post.

I didn't downvote. 🤷

Different Font doesnt come through on my app. I just assumed they were a bonafide idiot. I downvoted

that's not going to stop the hacked system from spamming myself and every other customer they have. I would highly doubt if they even take the time to look at any replies let alone actually read them and unsubscribe anyone who asked for it... after the entire hack was over because I called one company and they were already aware of the hack and were trying to stop it.

It baffles me how many people thought I was actually serious.

I'm getting big "haha i was just pretending" vibes from that guy who wrote you a paragraph lol