Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 201 points –
Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

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I just realized something…

At some point, Valve will release a Steam Deck 2 - It will be slimmer and even better than the first. Maybe in a couple of years I am guessing

Then that will be it because other companies will be releasing cheaper devices with their Steam OS. Steam simply cannot compete with them on price, and the feature set (other than faster chips) will mostly be locked in.

In short, there will be now Steam Deck 3 - Gaben strikes again

Nah, we'll get Steam Deck 2 Episode 2, then Steam Deck Alyx

Half Life 3 - Hybrid Action Shooter / Alternate Reality Game.

Is that random person you are walking past in AD 2038 a PMC guarding your local refugee camp after climate change has destroyed the world's economy?

Now theyre a Civil Protection Officer!

Then the game instructs you to find a real life crowbar and present it to the Steam Deck 3 camera for verification.

HEV suit voice: You know what to do.

Hear me out... Half Life 3 will be released but it won't be a game it will be a handheld console

Steam can definitely compete with them on price. It runs steam out of the box; and they can expect to make some sales on that. OEM margins are already razor thin, and Valve has a major leg up on them.

I have a feeling that the steam deck 2 will be on par with PS6 given how the steam deck is on par with the PS4 now and can play some PS5 games.