Trump Explodes in Unhinged Tirade in Courtroom, Attacks Judge and Prosecutors, Then Storms Out

theprogressivist to politics – 499 points –

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So the threat of political violence has tangible results on the rules of justice? You know that only encourages more political violence right? It's "Might makes right" with like one extra step. No one willing to die for Trump is going to care if he goes to jail now or next year they will do what they will do. But changing procedure because of them means their threats are working, which means the US Justice System, is not.

And you think there's ever been a time where it wasn't the case?

Threaten the judge presiding a case and their family and you'll never get an impartial ruling.

Bring someone like Trump to court and you better make sure you take everything slow and make sure no one can question any of your decisions, not even his supporters.

Do you honestly think he supporters care? They don't believe in truth, nothing a lawyers says or does is goning to change their mind. All the justice system is doing is showing them violence works. If thats the justice system you want then we have fundamental differences on what justice is.

Never said that's what I want, I just don't deny what reality is like.

Then 'reality' is settign the stage for bigger coups and more stochastic violence from fascist leaders. This mentality you seem to think is 'reality' is not an preventing violence, it's just kicking it down the road to the jext judge, the next governor, the next person they target. It's MORE dangerous to do what we're doing now. You're very nonchallant for someone to whom reality means violence gets you what you want.

Welcome to the real world? Go read a couple of history books and you'll soon realize that there's nothing special about what's going on at the moment.

Welp then instead of doing anything proactive, should any of that violence you don't care about makes it's way to you, I hope reading your book gives you great comfort in knowing that it was nothing special. The difference between history and the present is we can still change the prsent. You sound like you couldn't change a lightbulb with that perspective on things though. Good luck.

Tell me what you'll do to make the judge act differently towards Trump.

Im gonna threaten violence because aparently it's nothing special and always works historically.

How about you come up with an actual answer?

You complain that it's not ok and I agree, I just state the obvious, that's how society works and you tell me I'm doing nothing to change it and I'm asking you, what do YOU suggest people like you and I should do to make it so Trump faces consequences for the way he's acting in front of the judge?

First I hear of you saying violence is not okay. I thought you were on to something. If violence works and is no big deal, what's the issue now? Should we simply allow one side to dictate or fight back. No use sitting on ethical pedestals if its going to cause less ethical outcomes. Nah im liking this violence thing now. Thanks for helping me find where the real power is. Like you said welcome to reality, and im not gonna let one side dictate that reality. Stay powerful friend.