I'm 99% sure it's not real

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 747 points –

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As an engineer:

  1. Receive or identify a problem.
  2. Design a solution that solves or mitigated the problem.
  3. Usually pay someone to make a prototype or do it ourselves
  4. Test the prototype and see if it solves the problem. If no, go back to #2 until a workable solution is found
  5. Get someone else to build the final thing.
  6. Make sure thing works. Ship it.

This is a recursive and iterative process. Meaning you will find problems inside your solutions and need to fix them.

Eventually you finish the thing and get a new problem and do the whole game over again. It’s like a puzzle that requires absurd amounts of knowledge to play well, but anyone could try to solve the problem. That’s why good engineers are paid pretty well.

You lost me at “As an engineer:”

That's a pretty good run down. There's all sorts of soft skills required for that as well, and hard skills specific to the industry they're in, but I think you've got the essence of it. Also in step 6, add: "take responsibility for everything that will go wrong with thing in the future" aka "sign off".