NASA has some explaining to do

Urethra to Lemmy – 894 points –

Also, the Jewish God and Muslim Allah are on the International Space Station.


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Proof there was no census? Also "satan is the good guy" is woefully incorrect, it shows you clearly never read the book 🤣

Wow you really must care about these beliefs. So much that you couldn't even bother to do a simple 10 second google search.

Yahweh committed genocide several times, usually for no reason. He is petty and acts out on petty human emotions like jealousy.

He creates humanity, only to damn them to eternal damnation. He knows all (all the hairs on your head, "it's part of god's plan," etc.) about the lives of all humans from the moment they are born, therefore, it stands to reason that there are humans that were created with the sole purpose of suffering for eternity in hell. Sounds like a great guy. He "loves" you, but gets jealous and will punish you for eternity for even the most minor slight against his pride. That's abusive.

Let's compare that to Lucifer/Satan/etc. How many people is he responsible for killing in the Bible? Spoiler: none.

The serpent did not give Eve the fruit, nor did he even tell either of them to eat it. He simply told her that eating the fruit would give her the knowledge of good and evil (let's set aside how fucked up it is that god would create fruit with that capability, and tell them they can't eat it. Why? Who would do that? He didn't want humanity to understand the difference between good and evil? Why would he want that? Why are you OK with this? Sounds abusive).

Who is responsible for literally killing Job's family and livestock, basically ruining his life, over a bet? Another spoiler: it wasn't Satan.

How about slavery. Should we be living our lives based on an ancient, non-historical, book that includes specific rules around buying/selling/beating/fucking slaves? Does that seem like a good idea?

Getting your most loyal servant to almost murder his child for a laugh. Abusive.

You are in an abusive relationship with your god.

Should we get into foreskins, or have you had enough? I could give reasons your religion is wrong for hours without repeating myself.

Neither of them exist, of course, but if I had to choose between god and Lucifer, the choice is pretty fucking clear. Your god could prove itself to me tomorrow, and I would still refuse to follow that evil piece of shit.