Incels need more mental health help - Swansea University report to – 247 points –
Incels need more mental health help - Swansea University report

Research says involuntary celibate men make "fundamental errors" about what women want in a partner.


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it's on them to fix themselves. not society. I'm alone, divorced, but I still don't blame women or society. that's the incel's problem: lack of personal accountability, entitlement to a woman, society blaming.

it takes two to make a relationship, and I'm tired of my fellow man being offended at having to work at having a relationship

So in one, direct, uninterrupted, comment chain we went from

No but it can absolutely be a trauma response.


it’s on them to fix themselves.

Geez lemmy.

it's on them to fix themselves. not society

How's that working out for society?

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