App Store to Be 'Split in Two' Ahead of EU iPhone Sideloading Deadline to – 463 points –
App Store to Be 'Split in Two' Ahead of EU iPhone Sideloading Deadline

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Moves like this always assume that location equals citizenship. As an EU citizen living in North America, a move like this means that I would not get the remedy that Apple legally owes me (or would owe me if I owned an iOS device)

The main thing I've been sideloading on Android for a decade is a fan implementation of the Dominion card game called Androminion. It was trademark cease and desist removed from the Play Store a decade ago, but you can still get the apk on Github

There's a couple other things. One big gap in both the Google and Apple stores is the complete absence of adult content. I'm amazed there's not more of a clamour for adult apps among either userbase, given that most people don't own a normal computer. Sideloading could plug that gap

Just change country/region. No location required. If you do it through iOS you might need a payment method, which you don’t need if you’re changing it on the web.

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