Riots in France have already cost businesses more than $1 billion | CNN Business to World – 250 points –
Riots in France have already cost businesses more than $1 billion | CNN Business

Just weeks after hugely disruptive protests and strikes over pension reforms in France finally died down, businesses in the country are grappling with the fallout from a week of rioting.


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I get your point. Actively contributing to politics either by joining a party or by protesting is supporting democracy.

But looting stores and robbing people en masse only discredits peaceful protests.

I agree, looting stores is not the way to go. But peaceful protests are way to easy to just ignore

The required mass of people is definitely higher. But if you are interested, I can recommend reading about the Monday demonstrations which brought down the eastern Germany regime. They were (by a broad majority) peaceful.

Yeah, I don't like that part. On the other hand, peaceful protests don't change anything.

The purpose of a protest is to show that you have the numbers for a riot. If the people in power know you'll never follow through on it, they can ignore you.

Pretty sure the French government ignored them anyway. Pension reform still went through.