Benjamin Netanyahu Just Said “From the River to the Sea”, rejects the premise of a Palestinian state and promised that Israel will take over the entire region it currently occupies to – 374 points –
Benjamin Netanyahu Just Said “From the River to the Sea”

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Oh, look, an open admission of genocidal intent.

Should be useful in the court case against Israel.

These are the quotes this article is based on according to another news outlet, and it is unsure if the translation (especially the wording for the proclaimed statement in the title) is up for debate since there are multiple translations.

(“from the river to the sea,” according to an English translation on the Israeli news channel i24NEWS.

According to other translations, Netanyahu said that Israel “must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River,”)

"Every area that we evacuate we receive terrible terror against us. It happened in South Lebanon, in Gaza, and also in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] which we did it.”

“And therefore I clarify that in any other arrangement, in the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea.”

"This truth I say to our American friends,” Netanyahu said Thursday. “And I also stopped the attempt to impose on us a reality that will jeopardize us. A prime minister in Israel has to be able to say no, even to the best of friends. To say no when you need to and to say yes when you can.”

Does anybody know what "proposal" the USA made that he's referencing?

It's all behind-closed-door conversations, but one can only assume some form of self-governance in Gaza given the US continues to push for a two-state solution despite supporting the Israelis as they, you know, wipe out one of those states.

What Bibi is saying, here, is that even that small modicum of Palestinian agency will be eliminated and Gaza will formally become the open air prison it's unofficially been for decades.

Maybe they should put the natives in reservations.