Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85 to – 886 points –
Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85

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To paraphrase Churchill "Never was so much owed by so many to a single man", NTP has been a critical aspect of XXIst century, from making highly complex clusterized systems work reliably to saving you the pain of adjusting the clock in your smartphone. If you have used even a single networked electronic device for a millisecond in your life, you owe the man some thanks.


I've been seeing this on Lemmy lately, why are people going to roman numerals? Do we hate Arabic now? It's not saving keystrokes unless I'm crazy?

in certain parts of the world they really ingrained in us that roman numerals are the proper way to do it and it's very hard to shake off, apologies