Can anyone recommend a countertop microwave with a SILENT DOOR? to Ask – 71 points –

UPDATE: purchased the Breville “the Compact Wave” and it is so quiet. I love it!!


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and one with no beeping when I beep the buttons, fucking nazis and their narc microwaves.

On my Toshiba microwave, if I press “8” for a couple seconds, it turns off all the beeping

That was a huge selling point for me lol

My IKEA microwave has a settings menu where you can disable the bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps.

That there can turn off the beeping. My wife made a note for me to remind me how.

LG is really trying to impress people with their inverters. I had to read the owners manual to figure out what the hell the inverter button was. It's just Defrost or Cook buttons with "inverter" in front of the names.

Irrelevant, but for those who care: LGs "smart inverter" just manages the temperature of the inverter circuit for efficiency. Cooler electronics are generally better.