Riot Games Now Requires Kernel-Level Anti-Cheat Software for League of Legends, Following Valorant's Implementation to – 763 points –
Riot Requires Kernel Level Anti-Cheat Software

Vanguard, the controversial anti-cheat software initially attached to Valorant, is now also coming to League of Legends.


The article discusses Riot Games' requirement for players to install their Vanguard anti-cheat software, which runs at the kernel level, in order to play their games such as League of Legends and Valorant. The software aims to combat cheating by scanning for known vulnerabilities and blocking them, as well as monitoring for suspicious activity while the game is being played. However, the use of kernel-level software raises concerns about privacy and security, as it grants the company complete access to users' devices.

The article highlights that Riot Games is owned by Tencent, a Chinese tech giant that has been involved in censorship and surveillance activities in China. This raises concerns that Vanguard could potentially be used for similar purposes, such as monitoring players' activity and restricting free speech in-game.

Ultimately, the decision to install Vanguard rests with players, but the article urges caution and encourages players to consider the potential risks and implications before doing so.


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As a geopolitical side note to all this, there is a small but real chance that we may be going to war with (Edit: China) someday in the future, over Taiwan.

Do you really want an adversary that can potentionally disable a large portion of your populations computers in one fell swoop?

Edit: Because of Tencent's ownership of Riot, which is a Chinese company.

I believe it’s much more than a small chance, war over Taiwan is going to happen. Question is when, not if.

But I agree, trading his computer control to China just to be able to play a game is ridiculous. Hopefully those who agree aren’t people that would matter anyway.

If a security researcher finds and reports a vulnerability without permission, you would hope the company with the vulnerability would get in trouble, but instead the researcher gets in trouble and is and hassled by the government and the courts. Our government has already decided to sacrifice national security for the convenience of companies when it comes to security.

Do you really want an adversary that can potentionally disable a large portion of your populations computers in one fell swoop?

Just saw a Netflix movie about this a month or so back. Obviously the writing was a little embellished, but it was fucking terrifying to imagine something like that happening on a real scale.


Riot? I don't see a war with Riot being likely.


Riot? I don’t see a war with Riot being likely.


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