Apple cropped Vision Pro photos to remove key part to – 204 points –
Apple cropped Vision Pro photos to remove key part
  • Apple cropped photos of the Vision Pro headset to remove the battery pack, making it look less cumbersome.
  • Journalists were not allowed to take photos or videos of the Vision Pro's hardware during a press briefing.
  • Apple sees the cord from the battery pack as getting in the way of making the headset more mobile.

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I don't think all adverts are propaganda. For instance, someone in my village has a sign outside their house that says "EGGS FOR SALE" - that is 100% an advert, but I'm not sure you could convince me it's propaganda.

I agree that there's a lot of overlap between advertising and corporate propaganda, but they're definitely different things.

When they get down to a single egg and don't take down the sign, it becomes propaganda.

A small local may do that but it is indeed an important detail.

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