Joe Biden wins primary election in New Hampshire despite not even being on the ballot

Maven (famous) to – 638 points –
Joe Biden wins primary election in New Hampshire despite not even being on the ballot

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Even if it didn't sound fake, you'd think common sense would preveil. Why would the president robo call you telling them not to vote for them.

My favourite quote attributed to Winston Churchill that he never said is:

The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

The average voter went to public school, which is directly manipulated by the entire ruling elite to keep them in power and feed the war machine. Education has very little to do with any of that.

.... You do realize that a significant part of the nation can't even read out a sixth grader level right?

And that doesn't refer to only how well they read words that refers to their critical thinking and their comprehension of what they have read.

These are the target audience.