Support for far-right AfD eases after Germany-wide protests - polls to World – 281 points –
Support for far-right AfD eases after Germany-wide protests - polls

BERLIN (Reuters) - Support for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) dropped slightly in two polls published on Tuesday after 10 days of nationwide protests against the far-right party, although it remained firmly in second place.

Support for the AfD dropped 2 percentage points to 20% in a Forsa poll, the lowest level in four months. The party remained behind the opposition conservatives on 31% but still well ahead of all the three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's centre-left coalition, who together were polling 32%.

The AfD dropped 1.5 percentage points on the week to 21.5% in the poll by the German Institute for New Social Answers (INSA), behind the conservatives on 30.5% and the ruling coalition on 31%.

"The demonstrations against the AfD are supported by 37% of Germans and they are showing an impact," INSA chief Hermann Binkert said.


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Actual Nazism being on the rise in Germany is pretty insane. You would think that the education system would have prevented these ideas from rising again, but apparently all you need is the economy taking a downturn and everything that they learned goes out of the window to blame minorities for their problems..

Been living in Germany for a few years now, I'm absolutely not surprised. Germans may have learned that throwing people in ovens is bad, but they never learned that they are not übermenschen. Which eventually means the former creeps back in

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