We must start urgently talking about the dangers of a second Trump presidency | Margaret Sullivan

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 271 points –
We must start urgently talking about the dangers of a second Trump presidency | Margaret Sullivan

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It's a feature, the people pulling the strings behind trump think a dictatorship would be good for business. It's not trump I'm worried about, it's whomever comes after him, or is pulling the strings that I worry about. Trump is very old, and clearly suffering from some kind of dementia. He's not pulling the strings in what's going on. Behind the scenes there's a coalition of people who want a one party state, that's what should scare people. Trump is a distraction.

Trump is not a distraction, he's their battering ram, and he very much is capable of destroying our checks in balances within a very short amount of time.

Redirecting attention to unarmed untouchable boogeymen who aren't on the ballot is the distraction. Deal with what's in front of your face first.

How is it liberals view Trump as all powerful that can destroy checks and balances on a whim, yet Biden is powerless to do anything? If the President has the power to do all the things liberals have claimed Trump will do why hasnt Biden used that same power? He couldnt even repeal the ACA with a GOP lead Congress.

Because Biden isn't Trump.

Same reason you don't go around robbing people even though for the right type of person it is an easy way to make quick money.

Biden is more like Trump than BlueMAGA is willing to admit. He's kept his worst policies and expanded on many of them.

Do you just make things up and pretend they're true?


Pretending that there's a left wing equivalent to the rampant retardation of the right is the most bad faith comparison I've seen. This week.

Biden is left of the right but is still to the right of many progressives. We can't expect him to be a Bernie Sanders. Biden is the compromise. The "Good enough I guess" vote. The "Not fucking Trump" vote. The safe choice to minimize damage, not the radical changes we actually need.

Imagine being happy with compromises all your life, because you feel desolate and powerless.. voters wouldn't feel that way if they didn't compromise

Imagine getting force fucked and taking massive losses over and over again because rather than mitigate some of the damage you just shrug because you couldn't mitigate all of it.

Imagine if we stopped sending food to starving people because "well we can't feed all of them so why try?" or stopped fighting climate change because "well we can't stop all the pollution from fossil fuels so may as well let them rape the planet." Jesus fuck I can't imagine what warped your mind that badly.

That sounds like some of that lesser evil bullshit that doesn't exist.

People are hungry because liberals compromise, we're experiencing climate change because liberals compromise by supporting candidates that only talk about it, but then pass legislation that has no teeth. I guess I should be saying capitulate instead of compromise because that's all they do

My fucking brother in Christ what you are advocating for is fascism. A "strong eats weak" mentality that has produced some of the worst human suffering we have ever recorded. Literally Nazi shit. USSR shit. Compromise is the difference between diplomatic solutions everyone can agree to, begrudgingly or not, and mass graves of men, women, and children of those who sought to disagree. Even capitulation is defined as "surrender with no resistance".

In other words, fuck off you godless commie.

Liberals have surrendered with no resistance. Bitching on social media is not resistance. Refusing to support those inflicting pain and suffering on others is resisting. Protecting the status quo is protecting fascism, which this country is knee deep in.

Why wouldn't I pick the less shitty option, given only 2 choices?

I think our system needs an overhaul regardless, but another Trump dumpster fire isn't gonna get us there.

There are only two options because voters only want two options, they have comfort in maintaining a status quo that's allowed them to live the privileged lives that they lead. The status quo is what keeps the marginalized forced to live In the margins of society

Don't disagree, I was a fervent Bernie supporter, and I didn't vote for Hillary. But you still have to acknowledge reality and make sure democracy doesn't get destroyed by fascists while you're waiting for your perfect candidate to come along.

I'm not waiting for a perfect candidate, I'm waiting for voters to pull their heads out of their ass and see THEY are the ones responsible for the suffering of others by defending the status quo and it's leaders. Once they acknowledge that, better political leaders will emerge.

Biden doesn't overstep the bounds of his authority. He technically could if he wanted to.

We already have a one party state with capital pulling all the strings.

If we had a one party state there wouldn't be democrats and Republicans. It would be one party control in all elections, and that's not what we have, yet.

We have good cop/bad cop. 2 right wing factions vying for power and both controlled by capital. Thats a one party state

You really like to boil down nuanced stuff to simplified black and white points don't you? Have fun with that.

It is black and white. Neither of them represent the working class or the poor in this country. Politicians loyalties are grounded with corporations and banks.

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