Thanks, I hate it! (image description inside) to Mildly – 1136 points –

A screenshot, taken way before rexxit, of two comments on reddit, dated "1 year ago".

The first comment is by a deleted user and the comment has been removed. The second comment is a reply to the deleted comment and it says: "That solved it. Thanks!"

Edit: added temporal context.


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This has been a meme for such a long ass time (even before Reddit) that any deleted post in a support type thread (or on a meme of the subject) was subject to someone replying "Thanks that solved it!"

The most common version of this is when someone posts to Stack Overflow asking about the exact problem in having.

The only reply is from OP: NVM. Fixed it. (4 years ago.)

And you can never post the same topic again since it'll be marked as duplicate and links back to that useless-ass post