MacKenzie Scott trims Amazon stake by $10B, philanthropist now owns about 1.9% of tech giant: 'I have a disproportionate amount of money to share' to – 163 points –
MacKenzie Scott trims Amazon stake by $10B, philanthropist now owns about 1.9% of tech giant: 'I have a disproportionate amount of money to share'

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Totally. This semi-reminds me of the story that was floating around yesterday (I think), about Arby's Foundation wiping out student lunch debt for 8000 student in Georgia. Like, yes, that's great, but also... how fucking sad we leave it to the "goodness" of billionaire's charities so that *checks notes* CHILDREN CAN BE FED?? Sad state of affairs

Exactly. Why are the students in debt for lunch anyway? They're children!

It's literally the Orphan Crushing Machine. "We saved these orphans from being put in an Orphan Crushing Machine" while no one questions what the entire point of the Orphan Crushing Machine is to begin with.