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Joined 1 years ago

discovering 49 zero-day bugs in EV systems

Holy shit that's a lot of zero days homies

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"The situation is so dire, that you need to pay us money if you want to read this article!!!"

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Alt title: ISPs attempt to avoid infrastructure upgrades unless paid for by others; points fingers.

Nothing new tbh.

key fucking words: LAST STANDING HOSPITAL


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Ah yes, the all time classic India Johns

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I think the thigh high socks requirement scares people away 😓

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It's super depressing that Aaron Swartz is just straight up ignored as a co-founder these days.

I hope for a slow and painful death to Reddit.

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Utah teens (grade 9-12) are already often forced (by parents) into taking a full class period for Mormon learning (called Seminary). Students have to leave the school campus to go to a Mormon church owned building, often right next door, for the class as it is not permitted to be taught on campus (for obvious reasons).

The main reason for this is some countries require formal religious "training" before allowing someone to prosthelytize, so the Mormons start early to ensure kids can go on their "mission" at the fresh age of 18.

Not surprised to see them trying to slowly push stuff into the regular classroom, smhmh.

Federated video share

There is a big difference in the messaging to young men by both the parties.

Republican - "You're going to have a job, a house, a wife and kids, and all you have to do is work hard and you can live the American Dream"

Democrat - "You are the oppressor and need education on why men and white people are bad"

You can see how one is more appealing than the other, especially to those who don't pay much attention to politics and maybe only hear a 30s political clip on social media once a week.

Disclaimer: not saying these are actually the alignments/messaging, just major annecdotal perceptions I have heard from people who describe themselves as "not a Democrat" and asked them "why not?"

Totally. This semi-reminds me of the story that was floating around yesterday (I think), about Arby's Foundation wiping out student lunch debt for 8000 student in Georgia. Like, yes, that's great, but also... how fucking sad we leave it to the "goodness" of billionaire's charities so that *checks notes* CHILDREN CAN BE FED?? Sad state of affairs

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I think it is VERY IMPORTANT to point out:

Cleft Pallet DOES NOT EQUAL Trisomy 13

Also important, Trisomy 13 is terrible and Texas is wrong:

ABSTRACT: The mean survival in Trisomy-13-syndrome patients is reported to be 130 days. We have diagnosed 21 cases of this syndrome in this institution (11 females and 10 males); 15 patients had regular trisomy 13 and 6 had translocation-trisomy 13 karyotypes. The mean survival of the 19 patients who died was 97.05 days; translocation patients survived longer than regular trisomy patients. The oldest living patients with trisomy 13 are a girl 19 and a boy 11 years old. Both are black, have regular trisomy 13 karyotypes and have had most of the manifestations of the syndrome. No mosaicism was detected in repeated cytogenetic studies. The 19-year-old patient is the oldest known living person with regular trisomy 13.

Equity not equality

As I said previously on other posts...

Homie knew US prison, although most not in a great condition, is MUCH better than the Gulag.

Reading details of his actions on flights he asked for multiple meals multiple times and tired to steal candies from others... almost like, he knew his luxuries were about to be taken away for a LONG time

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Never knew Mr. Beast's real name was Hunby

Using international phonetic alphabet:


Using English:

J - as in Jump

er - as is teachER

b - as in Boat

o - as in shOW

a - as in Up

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I really hope people don't think these are the only two options...

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Friendly reminder to check before taking a prescription through your health insurance :)

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Incorrect, the supreme court has many times over ruled "hate speech", which doesn't have a legal definition in the US, is protected under 1st amendment. Calling for violence is not.

I am free to say "I hate [insert protected class/person/group/etc]" without legal consequences.

Although I am technically free to say "Let's cause harm to/attack [insert protected class/person/group/etc]", legal consequences could follow since call to violence.

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It will be interesting to see what the Border Patrol union does. It seems as though they are on Texas' side...

From NBPC Twitter Friday, 1/26:

Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders.

That's fake news. TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other's jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders.

TX NG members realize that rank-and-file BP agents have their orders as well. Lawful orders, no matter how unpopular or distasteful amongst rank-and-file agents, must be followed. Unlawful orders (as determined by competent legal counsel and not what some outhouse lawyer behind a keyboard says) will not be followed.

Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn't true.

in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

That almost sounds like they would strike instead


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It's honestly wild that Israel be like: "we don't need the support from even the most conservative Americans"

And Ben Shapiro still be like: "Israel can kill everyone in the region and it still isn't genocide"

And the average American be like: "Can we lower food and gas prices instead of funding oversea wars?"

And Congress be like: "no, that will hurt our stock portfolios "

So... childhood?

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Please remember to tag gore as NSFWMR

Not mutually exclusive

Freedom of speech absolutely results in the right for me to insult people...?

Is it rude? Maybe.

Is it illegal? Absolutely not

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I think the biggest draw toward BG3 is the replay-ability!

I think I had 200+ hr on my first play through, but I made decisions, that I won't say for spoiler reasons, that cut off multiple entire story lines that I have read are another ~80hrs + of playtime! Super cool, in my opinion.

The players actions CHANGE the world, many games have strived for this, although few have achieved. BG3 achieved!

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... um... science

The best kind of science

also, why are you logging in to conduct your research? Log in is not required

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Friendly reminder that if your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is less than $79,000 you can already do "Guided Tax Filing" for free. If your AGI is more than $79k, you can still do your taxes for free, but have to do them completely manually which is generally considered risky if you don't know what you're doing.

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Me at 1am trying to convince myself another day is "worth it"

Going on 1+ years now.

Tomorrow is worth it... I think


With the new bullshit ruling by SCOTUS


Yeah this sounds more accurate. I was under the impression the court keeps it in escrow as a mediator, which is exactly what that sounds like.

That is a really cool resume item, ngl

Do you mind me asking the languages/frameworks backing it? (e.g. JavaScript/Node)


Others generally dislike me cause I'm a total asshole (not wrong) 👍

All my funny replies would probably get me banned, which I don't want since I enjoy Lemmy.

So instead you get this:

Did you misspell 50 y/o men?

I'll probably be in the minority, since this is Lemmy after all, but how is this "news"?

This is basically: reporter I hate said something I hate.

Is this Jesse's regular MO? Yes.

Is Jesse garbage? Yes.

Is this news? No.

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I disagree with anything in support of amazon_dot_com

However, if that is the only way, I'm not holding you back since... big pharma is absolute trash, but so is amazon.

Hands on 10 and 2 while operating the 2 ton death trap!

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