Fox News is now claiming that young people are identifying as seasons. They made it up.

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 612 points –
Fox News is now claiming that young people are identifying as seasons. They made it up.

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I'll probably be in the minority, since this is Lemmy after all, but how is this "news"?

This is basically: reporter I hate said something I hate.

Is this Jesse's regular MO? Yes.

Is Jesse garbage? Yes.

Is this news? No.

I was just telling my wife how the real news I post doesn’t get upvotes and that the clickbait-y half-assed news gets all the attention…

It takes no time or effort whatsoever to form an opinion about post like this. So people can vote on it immediately. Whereas actual news is more often complex - and might take some time to read and process before the reader understands what it is about. They aren't going to upvote it if they don't know what it is about. And even then, there is a tendency to only vote things that trigger some kind of emotional response. Post that neutrally inform the reader generally don't make people think "yes! Lets get more people to see this."

tl;dr clickbait works.

If they're like me, they never remember to upvote posts. Sorry everyone who posts.