Black Pastors Pressure Biden to Call for a Cease-Fire in Gaza

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Black Pastors Pressure Biden to Call for a Cease-Fire in Gaza

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What's the alternative though? It's not like the Republicans are fielding anyone who'd stop the genocide.

Why do y'all always use this argument? Are you seriously arguing that no one should ever criticize Biden for anything he does just because Republicans are worse?

They always try to divert to Republicans because they know that they can't defend supporting genocide.

Are you seriously arguing that no one should ever criticize Biden for anything he does just because Republicans are worse?

When did I ever say that?

The Democrats are campaigning on this argument though.

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That's Biden's bet, that we would rather vote for his genocide than let Trump win. Blue No Matter Who means he can do anything he wants.

The alternative is to make America ungovernable until our demands are met.

"his genocide" ah yes. I forgot Biden is president of Israel.

Israel is the 51st state and they would have run out of bombs if Biden didn't go around congress to give them more.

False: Israel is not the 51st state 🙃

Look, this easily falsifiable hyperbole feels nice. I get that. However, the statements are idiotic and make you look idiotic. They do not help and are likely counterproductive.

Okay, I'll be less glib and just quote Biden: "If there weren’t an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.” Or how about US Secretary of State General Alexander Haig describing Israel as "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk"?

It's not literally the 51st state lol

I mean, he didn't need to sell them arms. No one would have blamed him if he didn't.

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