Linus Torvalds interview Reader's Digest - 2001 to – 466 points –

Shamelessly copied from a post on a Lemmy look alike site :)


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the Linux company mascot

They really had trouble wrapping their minds around this, didn't they.

A mind molded by a lifetime of neoliberal capitalism does this. Same as when they were all looking for the "Bitcoin CEO".

Exactly, the neoliberal capitalist religion causes collective brain damage. Especially at that time, since there was a frenzy of propaganda around Bill Gates and how he became the worlds richest man by selling software, in particular operating systems. So from that non-logic it follows that if you have a popular operating system you should become the worlds richest man, but if you just give it all away for free, then you gave away a fortune. It makes total sense in the completely warped, schizophrenic world view of the US neoliberal mainstream media.

What?! You are doing something without a profit motive? That's impossible. 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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