To beat Trump, we need to know why Americans keep voting for him. Psychologists may have the answer to politics – 374 points –
To beat Trump, we need to know why Americans keep voting for him. Psychologists may have the answer | George Monbiot

US culture is an incubator of ‘extrinsic values’. Nobody embodies them like the Republican frontrunner

Many explanations are proposed for the continued rise of Donald Trump, and the steadfastness of his support, even as the outrages and criminal charges pile up. Some of these explanations are powerful. But there is one I have seen mentioned nowhere, which could, I believe, be the most important: Trump is king of the extrinsics.

Some psychologists believe our values tend to cluster around certain poles, described as “intrinsic” and “extrinsic”. People with a strong set of intrinsic values are inclined towards empathy, intimacy and self-acceptance. They tend to be open to challenge and change, interested in universal rights and equality, and protective of other people and the living world.

People at the extrinsic end of the spectrum are more attracted to prestige, status, image, fame, power and wealth. They are strongly motivated by the prospect of individual reward and praise. They are more likely to objectify and exploit other people, to behave rudely and aggressively and to dismiss social and environmental impacts. They have little interest in cooperation or community. People with a strong set of extrinsic values are more likely to suffer from frustration, dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, anger and compulsive behaviour.


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In short: Trump is the lesser evil.

I just can't understand how ppl think of Biden as a better human being after how he handles Afghanistan, Palestine, Yemen...

That guy has zero appreciation for human life!

Oh.. so close, you almost had it. Trump is the far greater evil masquerading as a lesser evil.

Proud of you for trying though.

Trump will back everything that Bibi wants to do in Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Lebanon:

“So I fought for Israel like no president ever before recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, which is a big deal. And [I] even recognized Israel sovereignty over the Golan Heights, something that they never even thought — we gave them that,” Trump said.

If you want unmitigated disaster in the Middle East AND here at home, vote for Trump.

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