Life goals to Lefty – 993 points –

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The only reason to give notice is if there are benefits to giving notice, like having banked PTO paid out or something (if you’re in a state where it’s not required to be paid out). Otherwise, absolutely call the morning of and let them know you quit.

That may not be the best advice. Depends on your industry, but burning a bridge so quickly may hurt you in the future. I’ve had former coworkers and other managers help me get my foot in the door for another job.

Besides, there’s something cathartic about knowing the end is right there and still getting paid for it.

Yea, I should have been explicit for the caveat being that it’s not a job you need as a reference or anything. If you’re in retail, they don’t give a shit about past jobs, just that you’re a body now. If your current retail gig is toxic, that’s when to pull this shit out.

If you work in IT it’s even more fun as they slowly cut off your access, hoping you don’t notice haha.

Sure, but that's on a case basis. If it makes sense then do that. But all these people in here saying you can't do it because it's unprofessional are ridiculous. Was it unprofessional for the boss to just schedule someone for zero hours?