‘We are dying slowly:’ Palestinians are eating grass and drinking polluted water as famine looms across Gaza

Collision Resistance@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 542 points –
‘We are dying slowly.’ Children go to bed hungry and parents scavenge for food as famine looms in Gaza | CNN

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Welcome to the world of modern society. Actually this war's been going on since I was a kid in the 60s, it's just gotten more vicious with newer weaponry and more ability to kill children and starve people out of their homeland. What a wonderful species we human beings are.

I think it is modern social media and internet that help put this in world stage. Before you have to believe news paper or whoever own the radio. Now you can't hide the truth.

Certainly newspapers, social media and the internet have all helped to "shrink" the world so that anything horrible that happens, we know about it instantly. This can make it seem like the world is becoming a more horrible place to live every day.

But there are good stories out there too, we just don't hear about them - after all, they don't make money for the newscasters or the internet icons.....if you can have a huge following just by showing cruelty to others, that's what people will do.