It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription to – 1059 points –
It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription
  • The author canceled their Amazon Prime subscription on a whim and realized they didn't really need it.
  • Leaving Prime meant slower shipping but the author was happy to wait and still found the selection and delivery speed satisfactory.
  • Many people love Prime for its fast shipping and convenience, but some readers expressed ambivalence and considered canceling.

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I been anti-amazon for about 5 years now.

Nothing lost or needed. If I need something I go to local store to find it.

My only issue with Amazon is tools that uses their cloud services and Twitch. But since last December I decided to switch to YouTube with ad blocker.

Planning on de-google and de-microsoft within the next two years.

There's weird stuff I can't find anywhere else or they're on sites that I don't trust my payment info with. Otherwise, planning ahead takes care of shipping times.

There’s weird stuff I can’t find anywhere else or they’re on sites that I don’t trust my payment info with.

This have a simple solution: generate a virtual credit card with just the amount you need for the transaction.

yeah same for me, about five years.

it's not just that i can still get what i need. it's also that i just 'need' way less shit.

i think i realized i had a problem when my brother in law made fun of me for having an 8-port USB charger on my bedside table (with a single cable for my phone plugged into it).