It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription to – 1059 points –
It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription
  • The author canceled their Amazon Prime subscription on a whim and realized they didn't really need it.
  • Leaving Prime meant slower shipping but the author was happy to wait and still found the selection and delivery speed satisfactory.
  • Many people love Prime for its fast shipping and convenience, but some readers expressed ambivalence and considered canceling.

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Someone shared THIS LINK a couple of weeks ago and it hit me hard. Keep swiping.
I haven't bought anything off of Amazon for a decade, I get most stuff used, refurbished or not at all.

this wealth is controlled by a group so small, that they could fit on a single 747 airplane—with 260 seats left over

Honestly ridiculous state of things we have got to, that the majority of wealth in the world is owned by a group of people so small they can't even fill a relatively small 2-aisle airplane

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