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Big german TV production company with succesful primetime action series used rented cars for their stunts. Different people from the team rented them with full insurance, returned them crashed. They did this until every car rent in the city stopped offering insurance without retention.

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It's great for your health, we'd solve like 25% of the climate catastrophe overnight and it redeems billions of our fellow earthlings from the unimaginable suffering we inflict on them 24/7.
It's a ridiculously obvious and easy step we should take as a species, yet even hardcore leftists turn into irrational idiots and go full Bullshit Bingo when you bring it up. Because they have become accustomed to a taste.

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Innovation is a scam, it breeds endless bullshit we keep buying and talking about like 10 year olds with their latest gimmick.
Look, they replaced this button with A TOUCHSCREEN!
Look! This artficial face has PORES NOW!
LOOK! This coffee machine costs 2000$ now and uses PROPRIATARY SUPEREXPENSIVE CAPSULES!!
We need progress, which is harder to do because it takes a paradigm shift on an Individual and social level. It's much less gadgety.

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There's still shampoo with silicone as an ingedient, so your hair feels silky smooth. Because it wraps every single hair in invisible plastic.

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Someone shared THIS LINK a couple of weeks ago and it hit me hard. Keep swiping.
I haven't bought anything off of Amazon for a decade, I get most stuff used, refurbished or not at all.

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I'm a Bitwig fanboy 4 life. This DAW blows me away and it being on Linux was one of the main reasons for me to leave Windows.

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Come on, isn't this america? Why don't they just shoot prisoners?! It's quick, cheap and they love shooting, don't they? Coming up with so many twisted ways to kill a person just to do it differently than the Nazis. If even Belarus is still officially shooting their people, why isn"t the greatest country in the world?
/s because I can't handle this

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Play Shattered Pixel Dungeon, it's free and open source.

Yeah but children are fucking insane

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Beans, chickpeas and lentils are my favorite daily superfoods. So cheap, so tasty, so healthy. Meat is so far in the rearview mirror I don't even understand the concept anymore.

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Well, you can be against fossil wars AND against the exploitation of billions of sentient beings as well. I'm pretty sure most vegans are.
And while you can not stop the US army from murdering children in the middle East, you CAN actually stop paying for slaves to murder our fellow earthlings in an instant. And you'd immediately save two-thirds of land, water, and CO2 emissions by doing so.

This is insane incel bullshit and you know it.

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Nothing triggers me more than motorcyclists. We moved from a big city in Germany to the countryside a couple years ago and I totally underestimated the amount of noise you guys make. On every sunny weekend, fat people in their mid-fifties dressed like sausages rattle along the country roads and wave at each other in a cool manner. Saturdays are annoying, Sundays seriously unbearable. We can't have a conversation in the garden, even deep in the forest you can hear the engines roar. They hang around on the benches, bus stops and at the petrol station, smoking and talking on their phones. Ambulances once or twice a day, rescue helicopters every other week. One time friends came to visit and greeted me with: "There was a motorcyclist lying on the crossroads". At the start of the season, two motorcyclists collided on a bend close to my home and both died. Casual! It was pretty quiet while the paramedics failed to save both of the fathers lifes.
Riding a motorcycle is such an embarrassing, reckless and mean-spirited pastime, it drives me insane. If I sell this house again, it will be because of you. I pray for a ban on driving on Sundays and public holidays and noise controls. Buy a racing bike, seriously!

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This is not a good answer. 10 years ago nobody cared and we kept doing what we always did. Now everyone realises humanity is facing a severe survival-problem in the near future and people instantly switch from denying it to accepting it. Please don't! There are so many things one can do to fight our collapse. Apathy, catastrophism and cynicism gives power to the fossil destroyers. Don't let those fuckers win, go solarpunk on them! Take your money to a green, ethical bank, go vegan, grow potatoes with your neighborhood, repair stuff and blow up a pipeline.
In a strange way, the global heating gives our lifes way more meaning than 30 years ago, when nothing mattered and we just kept buying toys until we die.

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I installed something like this next to my toilet a couple of month ago and it changed my life. Costs like 30 bucks, it takes 3 single sheets to dry my clean ass. Whiping shit left to right up and down until it stops sticking feels so barbaric now.

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Yes please. Every CEO since the 60ies knew what he was doing, so let's make a nice list of how much they earned, show their faces and bring them to justice. Also read The Ministry for the Future and How to blow up a Pipeline.

Ah, so witty! Here is more.

Being vegan would have a much larger impact!

This is not my native language and I'm too lazy to translate whole recipies, so here are just a few tips:

  • Cook yellow lentils with vegetable stock to make a creamy sauce, add more stuff and seasoning to taste
  • Red lentils stay a bit harder and replace minced meat very well
  • Brown lentils with smoked tofu, leek, potatoes, celery and carrots make a great German lentil soup
  • Find a recipe for bean chili
  • Look for potato and pumpkin-curry
  • Throw lentils and chickpeas or beans into tomato sauces and see what you like. There are no rules, I put beans or lentils in every meal!
  • Make a fresh salad and toss in cold pasta and beans for a real meal

I switched from Windows to Linux Mint like a year ago and Bitwig worked out of the box using THIS script with Yabridge.

I agree!
Get Freedoom for free or the doom2.wad-file from somewhere, download GZDoom (flatpack), download Brutal Doom and start it with Doom Runner.
Damn, it sounds pretty complicated like this, watch a YouTube-tutorial maybe. It's worth it.

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Nuclear power is a wonderful example of how costs can be pushed into the future and onto future generations. People are obviously still falling for this. The "Asse"-repository in Germany was used for storage from 1967 to 1978 and now we descendants have to deal with the follow-up costs while our ancestors enjoyed the oh-so-cheap nuclear power. Groundwater is already leaking in, and preventing pollution is complex and expensive. And we are only the second generation, but the stuff will still be there in 2000 generations. Rooting for this is so incredibly short-sighted.

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Just use Windows VSTs! This video was a game changer for me. Turned my vanilla Linux Mint into an audio production powerhouse with a single script. Bitwig, Reaper, Windows VSTs, low latency. Incedible!

"I alone can't change anything" is a hastily spoken excuse to shift responsibility onto others. But you are responsible for your life and your actions.

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This video was a game changer for me. Turned my vanilla Linux Mint into an audio production powerhouse with a single script. Bitwig, Reaper, Windows VSTs, low latency. Incedible!

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I ordered my horse out of the stable. The servant didn't understand me. I went into the stable myself, saddled my horse and mounted it. I heard a trumpet blowing in the distance and asked him what it meant. He knew nothing and had heard nothing. He stopped me at the gate and asked: "Where is the Lord riding to?" "I don't know," I said, "just away from here, just away from here. Always away from here, that's the only way I can reach my destination." "So you know your destination," he asked. "Yes," I replied, "I told you: 'Away from here' - that's my goal."

Franz Kafka, 1920

Hä, ich verstehe nicht was du meinst?

Eating animals is doing so much harm on a personal and global scale, yet people mostly choose to ignore it. So we get louder to confront your cognitive dissonance. I know it is annoying to you, I was annoyed too. But it's necessary and it's working. We're not a cult, quite the opposite: Vegans act according to scientific facts. Do you want to have a heart attack? No. Do you like torturing animals? No! Do want to wreck our planet to the point our children won't be able to live on it anymore? If course not. Veganism is not the only answer to all this, but no solution will suffice without us stopping to abuse animals. Think about that when you're out in the supermarket next time. It feels good to actually live up to you ethical values.
Also, #7 and #30, bingo!

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So 10 years ago it was "STFU, you're wrong", now it's "STFU, you're right"? Changing diet is a journey, I didn't go full vegan from one day to the other. I'm sure you're not a villain and hope you change your mind sometime. There are many great plant-based foods waiting for you on the shelves.

I use phones that are at least 5 year old and cost 100€ max. Graphene supports only new pixel phones, so I never got to use it. I put LineageOS with MicroG on every phone and I'm super happy with it.

Same here. I wouldn't consider myself a gamer, but 30 minuten of mindless rippin and tearin every couple of days improves my quality of life significantly. :)

I don't like that it feels more like a webpage in a browser than real software.

Exactly, innovations no longer help to satisfy real basic needs, they are used to create new, artificial needs. Always new toys that make us feel like we're making progress.

One glas of OJ is like the juice of 10 oranges. You simply wouldn't be able to eat that many because of all the bulk (fibre) that comes with it. But as juice, you can down them in seconds, giving you more sugar than a soda, which will lead to bloodsugar spikes, which will lead to Type 2 diabetis. So eat as much fruit as you like, it's super healthy, but don't drink fruit juice.

Don't get me wrong, I hate cars. But people are already dying from them, because humans make mistakes and drive reclesly. Don't you think traffic with 100% self-driving cars would be safer because AI is more careful? New technology has got to start start somewhere. Feels a little "not in my backyard" to me. Yes cyclists are unsafe, but not because of Teslas self-driving EVs.

I love hummus, too!

  • Try black beans and edamame, they are more crunchy.
  • Try different brands and put small amounts in every meal until you get used to it.
  • Buy a pressure cooker and cook dried beans yourself. The are cheaper und the texture is so much better! You can cook more than you need and put them in the freezer for later use.

I can blame more than one party, no problem! Politics must change, the economy must change, and society as well. Since you and me are part of the population, let's please change too! Politics will follow suit if we are serious.

I slowly degoogled my life. It took me a lot of babysteps and a couple of years but it was well worth it and sound pretty impressive now: My phone runs Lineage OS with MikroG, I use OsmAnd for maps, NeoStore for open source apps and Aurora Store for like three apps I really want from the Play Store. I pay 1€ per month for my email-provider and get calendars, tasks and contacts, which I sync with DavX5 to my phone and computer. I run Linux on my Desktop PC since a couple of months and love it so far. My router runs through a Raspberry Pi with Pi-hole, which catches a lot of telemetry and ads.

You're right, sometimes it's a little less polished or convenient, but that's okay because I never forced myself. That's how I got this far I think.