The Google messaging update looks bad. It reminded me I purchased textra a while ago. to – 343 points –

They really didn't have to redesign a text box. Please stop reinventing the wheel. I don't need another pop up in my life.


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I've been reading articles for years about how Google say they're going to open the RCS API to 3rd-Party apps but they have yet to do so.

This is why I scoff every time Google takes jabs at Apple about iMessage. Pot, meet kettle. Until I can use rcs with Textra, they got no room to talk

They're proobably working on how to track messages on the way, like “hey, wanna use RCS? here's our library”, which by coincidence sends every message to Google.

Your cynicism is warranted but a big part of the advertised value is that their rcs implementation is end to end encrypted. Or they say it is, which presumably someone (not me!) would be able to verify.