Video shows Indiana lawmaker showing holstered gun to students who were advocating for gun control to politics – 448 points –
Video shows Indiana lawmaker showing holstered gun to students who were advocating for gun control

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to anyone who understand this behavior - what's the man trying to do here? Is there any charitable read? Having a hard time imagining it.

I didn't watch the video, but it sounds like it was in the context of discussing self defense. A student asked if he meant people should carry guns, so he showed that he was carrying one in an attempt to confirm that he practices what he preaches. He was probably also trying to normalize it. Pretty dumb, but obviously not intending to intimidate the kids.

If you watch the video, it clearly didn’t seem like any kind of intentional intimidation. Definitely a whoopsie since brandishing is illegal in most but not his state. But we should be charitable to compensate for our own biases and I think the title is a bit misleading about the context

Responsible gun owners sure do seem to have a lot of "whoopsies".

"Whoopsie, I seem to have brandised my weapon at children"

"Whoopsie, I seem to have allowed my gun to be stolen"

"Whoopsie, a family member seems to have comitted suicide with my poorly secured firearm".

"Whoopsie, I seem to have shot a child in the face over a misunderstanding".