Biden sanctions Israeli settlers over West Bank violence to – 610 points –
Biden sanctions Israeli settlers over West Bank violence

He signed an executive order on Thursday, saying violence had reached "intolerable levels".

The sanctions will block the individuals from accessing all US property and other assets.

Violence in the West Bank has spiked since Hamas's 7 October attack on Israel.


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Ummm all I tried to say was that it's unfair to use a temporary solution (Oslo II) as the metric

So say that with your chest! Say what you believe clearly and concisely exactly like you just did, explain why you believe what you do, and do it in a top-level comment without someone having to prompt you twice to do it. If you want bonus points, provide relevant citations for your claims.

That's how you make your posts corporeal rather than cloudlike. You have to put yourself out there and make your position known, and if you're going to do that then you might as well take the time to come correct

You are pretty patronizing lol you came into this conversation not saying anything with expectations. I am not trying to debate lord like the rest of you guys. I generally write here the same way i talk. I am not trying to win debates. If you have any more suggestions, my suggestion box is right here 🗑

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