Reddit users lost? to No Stupid – 356 points –

Do we at this point have any substantial data on just how many users Reddit actually lost due to this?

Any resources would be greatly appreciated.

As a sidenote, I'll add that they certainly lost my account the second I couldn't use RiF anymore.


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The numbers do speak for themselves.

While it's not huge, compared to reddits numbers, it's a massive boost to lemmy. A lot of those leaving are more likely more active users. It's bootstrapped Lemmy into a viable platform. It now has a critical mass of users to generate content.

The Active Users Ratio graph is not filling me with hope - if I’m reading it correctly there isn’t increased activity, just increased sign ups.

I want to comment and submit content, I just feel like I don't have anything of value to share. That tends to be why I lurk. Not sure if that's the case for most other lurkers.

yea i feel the same way. heck, the only reason I'm leaving this comment is just to prove your point

That’s certainly the reason I mainly lurk, I don’t have anything of value to add at the moment. When I do I definitely plan to create some content.

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Total users have sky rocketed and iirc like 90% of users/people who log in to say vote, save and subscribe to communities are lurkers. Hell, I've been "lurking" since I've signed up.

Since there's such a spike in users, and prior to the Reddit death, most users were power users. I'm surprised that the active user ratio didn't decrease. (My 90% lurker figure would give a 0.1 ratio). The fact it near increased by .05 instead is wild.

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