Cocaine found in White House sparks brief evacuation to World – 56 points –
Cocaine found in White House sparks brief evacuation

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Maybe a dumb question, but why would this warrant an evacuation? I get that it's contraband, but it's drugs, not a weapon. Unless they thought since one disallowed thing made it's way in that there could be other stuff (weapons) as well?

Edit: or maybe they thought it could be anthrax at first, which makes much more sense as to why they would evacuate

A lot of chemicals are white powders, including stuff like anthrax. When you find an unidentified white powder, especially in a place like the White House, you should always assume the worst until you can get it identified.

Source: am chemist who teaches a bunch of college slobs that are always leaving the lab a complete mess.

Maybe it's just because I'm an American that remembers 9/11 and the anthrax scares that came soon after, but I completely understood the evacuation because of a "mysterious white powder".