Workaround helps improve gaming performance on outdated Intel CPUs — Resizable Bar UEFI mod works with CPUs as old as Sandy Bridge

Lee to – 216 points –
Workaround helps improve gaming performance on outdated Intel CPUs — Resizable Bar UEFI mod works with CPUs as old as Sandy Bridge

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Now I'm a bit out of the loop with this.

Would there be any benefit for a 8700k paired with a 1080ti?

In order to use the resizable BAR/SAM feature, you need a compatible CPU and GPU. This would make it possible to use older CPUs but you'll still need a compatible GPU which I think it's series 2000 and newer for nVidia, so no.

edit: technically you also need a compatible motherboard, but seems like most of them are, never hurts to double check

Hmm, I've got a 3080 in my i7 5930K system. I wonder if it works on that?

Solid chance. Take a peek at the github repo, someone might have even done it already