11 Democratic senators call on DEA to deschedule marijuana entirely

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 439 points –
Democratic senators call on DEA to deschedule marijuana entirely

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I mean, yeah sure. Javascript would do fuckloads better than any c runoff. What dipshit learns c++?

You would be better off with some html fuckery. At least that would be stable.

claiming c++ is unstable is wild lmao, how does it feel having a mile and a half of overhead just to assign values to an integer?

It feels so much better than coding in c++, holy shit

When are you going to just learn python, like an adult?

i hereby apologise that i chose 3 of the most close-to-metal and relevant languages i could (C, C++, AMD64 ASM), as opposed to learning some of the tech world's equivalents to babies first programming language, i love being in the knowledge that my own language isn't working against the optimisations i make lol

Oops, another rule 2.

Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. For real tho, when are you gonna stop coding like youre taking a 101 community college class?

Lol is it after you get banned and you fuck up making a lemmy instance?

the funny part is where you think i care for an account getting banned from the server i made it with, the whole decentralisation shtick means that i can just go elsewhere and come back to comment on the same forum lol, not to mention the fact that you're a greasy js dev who i'd love to see try to convert their code into asm

What? I dont code in javascript, gross. I would just respect you more if you used it over c++. And by "more," I obviously mean "at all."

Lol please, we both know you arent capable of making an instance yourself. No one capable puts "Im a c++ coder!" in their bio like theyre fucking proud of it

anyone who respects a user of js over a user of c++ is someone who likes to distance themselves from optimisation, from logic, and from reason, and it's obvious that you are one of them lol, as for setting up a server, i'd be shocked if they make it any more complex than launching an executable and filling out some config to start one, ain't it designed to not be clusterfucked? maybe you'd not know what it's like to make something non-clusterfucked lol

Its more to distance myself form shit code and shittier coders. And it kept you out, so Im batting pretty well.

Looool you dont even actually know what goes into a lemmy instance? Fuck me, did you start learning code yesterday?

Thats another rule 4 btw

are you a professional in nerdology or something? i've not looked into hosting a server yet, how many other instances can i dance between already? crawl into whatever python, objective-c, java shithole you came from and crawl out when you can write a hello world in asm, you'll have doubled your wisdom by then

Oh, you dance between instances huh? Do you mean "get shunned from" instances? I cant imagine many programming communities tolerate you after they learn your proclivities.

Fuck me, its so funny listening to a c++ user try and talk down to other languages. Its like a chihuahua barking at a cougar.

Thats another 2 and 4 double whammy! Noice

this is my first and only account thus far, actually, i was merely providing an answer to the problem you thought i had to deal with lmao, wherever i go i bring truth, that applies to programming too, i dont know what unoptimised clusterfucked language you may use, but i'd love to see some performance comparisons between it and c++ lol

Oh sure sure, its absolutely your first account, lool. You tooootally dont have a bunch of abandoned accounts, on god.

Love the "I bring truth" while pretending c++ trumps js, thats a funny one. You do stand up?

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