Trump posted what he said was Obama’s address, prosecutors say. An armed man was soon arrested there to politics – 259 points –
Trump posted what he said was Obama's address, prosecutors say. An armed man was soon arrested there

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More stochastic terrorism from Trump. Why can't we just throw this asshole in an oubliette already?

Oooh, new word. Nice.

Oubliette: a dungeon with the only entrance or exit being a trap door on the ceiling.

I believe the literal translation is "forgetting hole".

Somebody has never seen Labyrinth!

I've seen some real ones in Ireland. It's literally a door, with something like an elevator shaft behind it. That's all. Pretty terrifying idea for a 16 year old.

Because he has lots of money, and this results in people like him to be treated much differently (i.e. better) by the law than you or me. If this were any of us in this situation, our lives would be upended, our pets shot, and in prison with all our money gone.

Because he has lots of money

Does he really? Or is it all a show of false glitz and glamour to try to impress people who he thinks are also impressed by shiny gold things?

and this results in people like him to be treated much differently (i.e. better) by the law than you or me. I

Or is it because he's still a useful idiot helping to enrich the right people. Keeping him out of jail ensures the grift continues, until convenient to throw him in jail. And then they'll be harping that they need to be elected to help free Trump from jail (which they likely won't bother anyway).

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