US Senator Bernie Sander's Newest Video is Unavailable in the USA to Mildly – 525 points –

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It's probably unavailable anywhere, but it's a bit of an outrage that the fairest of fair uses gets takedowns.

Fair use is a myth. I've only ever seen it punished on YT unless you're one of the Jimmys.

Fair use is not a myth, it's just that YouTube and Google don't give a fuck about the laws. Fair use is a USA Legal Policy, not a company policy.

Oh, they care about the laws, but (say it with me now) just because you can express it legally doesn't mean a private corporation is required to host it for you.

Somehow a very lot of people only seem to remember that when it's views they find upsetting. Usually right wing ones.

Yes I understand right to free speech is not the right to a platform, but it's frustrating that they use Copyright Laws as an excuse in their explanations and statements despite the very clear exemptions.