US Senator Bernie Sander's Newest Video is Unavailable in the USA to Mildly – 525 points –

which is why I am once again asking for your usage of NORD V-

If a company advertises that much I immediately put them on my sus list

They like money?

Yep that's a big red flag, unfortunate it's so common.

To explain further, the problem is money as an end and the product the means. The best companies with the best products and services are ones that view their product/service as the end and money as the means. Such a company is satisfied when their product or service is the best it can be. A company viewing money as the end is never satisfied and the quality of the product/service is only relevant insofar as it's not a barrier to making more moolah.


Mullvad removed port forwarding though :/ which makes it less useful for anyone that wants to use it for anything peer-to-peer.

Wasn't there a privacy concern with, or that was their reasoning

I like to imagine the person at NBC who did this will be fired soon.

It's nice to imagine but it was probably a copyright bot that logs automated DCMA complaints. In fact I think this might be functionality YouTube provides to large content providers.

I suppose by comparison Bernie's channel would be a "Small Creator" so it would make sense if an Automated System didn't even check who it was fucking with first. Actually, I notice there are at least two Bernie Sanders channels with official Verified status on YT, I wonder what that means?

It's region blocked EVERYWHERE near as I can tell. France, Egypt, Hong Kong, Ghana. I know youtube is just one video platform. But the power and reach that NBC universal has is goddamned disturbing.

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end geolocking now

It's probably unavailable anywhere, but it's a bit of an outrage that the fairest of fair uses gets takedowns.

Fair use is a myth. I've only ever seen it punished on YT unless you're one of the Jimmys.

Fair use is not a myth, it's just that YouTube and Google don't give a fuck about the laws. Fair use is a USA Legal Policy, not a company policy.

Oh, they care about the laws, but (say it with me now) just because you can express it legally doesn't mean a private corporation is required to host it for you.

Somehow a very lot of people only seem to remember that when it's views they find upsetting. Usually right wing ones.

Yes I understand right to free speech is not the right to a platform, but it's frustrating that they use Copyright Laws as an excuse in their explanations and statements despite the very clear exemptions.

Found the video, it looks like a clip from one of the late night shows, so Jimmy Fallon or Seth Meyers.

Lol youtube shadowbanned me for a few days after I made some random comment about Israel under some news community post.

It was funny because I kept getting thread notifications from other stuff but all my comments I made were hidden, regardless of the content.

It is and I think this post is so that we searchfor it.

Yeah, because it would be such an inconvenience to click on a link. I would very much prefer to search

Why the hell are some of you downvoting my comment?

idk, but maybe cause your comment implies that this post has a political agenda instead of just being shared because it’s a legitimately mildly infuriating issue

The implication is in the eye of the beholder.

So is the downvote

No, and in case you're interested that comment was downvoted too. IOW, some of you guys are just Philo haters that downvote on site so go at it.

I mean this as objectively neutral as possible, it's not in any way meant as an offense or attack. Nobody here cares enough about you to "downvote on site."

Then explain why perfectly normal non-threatening or offensive posts are being downvoted. Is this a popularity club?

Your tone is pedantic and annoying, that’s why these particular comments are downvoted. I don’t know about the rest but maybe ask yourself why am I being downvoted instead of accusing others of downvoting for no reason

There was no "tone" as if you can hear the tone in a written post. I guess you can say my posts became annoying after I started asking about the downvoting but THAT WAS AFTER THE DOWNVOTING STARTED. So nice try, you were so close but ultimately you were low and outside.

Oh, so yelling is ok but only if you do it? Nice.

“has a little fun with megaphone use”

You are incorrigible and blocked.

*Grabs megaphone*




Then why do people use them? And quit yelling.

To annoy people who think they mean something.

I wasn't yelling, megaphones amplify your voice.

Think you might want to look up what all caps mean on the internet. It isn't megaphone use.

What does a megaphone do? It makes things louder!

Now, how do we represent loud speech in text form? With all caps!

So, using all caps to represent me speaking with a megaphone is a correct usage of the all caps rule.

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Then why do people use them? And quit yelling.

People are attacking you, ganging up on you, one of the favorite things on Reddit like media platforms is to be hard core conformity enforcers and silence attempts at understanding mob mentality.

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Yes, you're definitely getting ratiod into oblivion because there's a shadowy cabal of around 30 people who spend their days downvoting your posts, specifically.

Definitely not just that your take is bad, and your response to criticism of that take is even worse.

My take is bad? Ok, can you tell me from my first comment what my take was? I'd like to hear that.

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