Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in to – 629 points –
Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in

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There was an article in 1902 about how ridiculous powered flight was and that humans would never be able to fly,
The next year the wright brothers achieved the first powered flight.
There was also an article in The mid 1960s that reaching the moon was at least a century away and that NASA wouldn't achieve it's goal until the late 21st century,
We had boots on the moon before the end of that decade.
We will "bottle the sun", and we'll do it before the turn of the century.

There is a huge difference between misunderstanding science and trying to apply science fiction.

You fall under the former though. Have you actually looked into this at all or do you just feel that fusion is impossible and then bother all of us with that?

Do you think I would say such a thing based on feelings? If so, you are wrong. Fusion isn't impossible, it happens all the time in stars. It's the containment that is the problem and at the present that problem is insurmountable. That problem will remain insurmountable for the near future and I would say unless we find a way to contain gravity (as in a star) we are not going to be able to contain fusion on Earth. I do find it surprising just as almost everyone ignored the Hyperloop's G-force problem and thought it was the next big thing, you guys are doing the same here with fusion.

The g-force problem is unimprovable-- humans themselves have a limit. The containment problem is not.

Ok, Show us you're work.

Perhaps you didn't understand me. I'm saying there's a difference between a problem which cannot be reasonably solved (humans can only sustain X amount of g-force) and a problem which is merely difficult (plasma containment).

There is a difference in degree yes. So?, People still ignore them and that is the point.

The containment problem is not being ignored. It's like the second most worked on part of fusion reactor technology besides power generation.

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