Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO Members to – 86 points –
Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO Members

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Same here. I am a US citizen.

I even have people in my family that voted for this guy and may again.

The options we have are limited. Biden who is really too old. Trump who is too old not qualified and self serving. Nikki Haley who probably cannot get nominated.

Edit: Most people want Biden and Trump to not be running but we will probably be stuck choosing between these two. In the primaries I will not vote for either. In the general election I will never vote for Trump.

So who do you vote for in the primaries? If you don't vote for Biden, does that not help Trump?

Asking as a confused British person.

Primaries are only to decide which candidate will be nominated by which party. Typically there is no real contest for a sitting president to be renominated, so not voting for Biden in the primary will not affect anything.

Basically Trump and Biden are not competing in the primary because they are competing for different things—the nominations of their respective parties.

Once the general election rolls around you can make the argument that failing to vote for the best candidate to beat Trump would be helping him indirectly. But in the primary you could actually make the argument that voting for Nikki Haley would be more effective in stopping Trump than voting for Biden, since she is completing directly for the Republican nomination. However her candidacy is all but dead at this point.

Got it. Thanks.

As an actual point. I will probably vote for Nikki Haley and I can because I am in am open primary state. Each state has different rules. Some you have to belong to her party, some you just have to not belong to any other party, others party affiliation does not matter. Some states do not have primaries but use the caucus process. It is all over the map.

Edit: If Haley makes it to the general election and Biden is the other candidate, I may well vote for Haley. It would be a hard choice but I am fine with both but for different reasons. My view ... the best thing a voter can do at the moment is vote on the republican ticket for Haley even if you have to change party to do it. Most people will not though... either to lazy, to uninformed, to unengaged, or too sickened by the prospect.

Ya, I live in a state with a closed primary and where the general regrettably tends to be a forgone conclusion, so like every Dem and Socialist I know here I’m a registered Republican when primary season rolls around, because that’s the only way you’re vote for the moderate counts.

Depends. In some states it doesn't matter at all.

The most important thing to know is our voting system is broken far beyond its original design and won't get fixed any time soon.

These are just the primaries, not the general election. Primaries are for each party, to choose which candidate from that party will run in the general election in November.

If Biden got re-elected, and then became incapacitated to fulfill his duties, wouldn't that make the vice-president take his place?

I mean, Kamala Harris doesn't seem that bad of a choice for president, and neither does Nikki Haley if Biden decided to run with her for the presidentials.

Harris would be fine.

Nikki Haley would be fine but she is in the other party and will never be Biden's running mate. Interesting idea though. She probably will not be Trump's running mate either.

I would rather see a contest between Harris and Haley. Fine with either. Both reasonable people.

Whoops, you're right, wrong party.

Who's Biden running against in the primaries, is there a single strong opponent?

No strong candidate. There are three. The most serious is Dean Phillips. He is reasonable but getting almost no votes. Way weaker then Haley is on the other side and Haley is likely to go no where too. Though at the moment Halley to me seems the obvious one to support in the primaries regardless of your usual party.

..Haley supports a nationwide abortion ban and can't remember what the civil war was about. Reasonable‽

Over stating. She supports a national consensus on abortion whatever that turns out to be. Civil War... that is just pandering. Do I agree with her on all things, no.

Keep in mind that national security and rule of law are now the only issues that matter. Everything else is just arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Politics is the art of the possible.

Edit: Younger candidates that are not age impaired is important too.