Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown

Lee to – 492 points –
Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown

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No, they didn't.

Yes. They did.

The point that were made all stated that everything's protected by free speech.

Yes, I got that. My point (once again) is no one thinks it is illegal, which makes the argument it a strawman (ie: arguing against a point no one is making).

No one here is upset about the Black National Anthem being sung

Oh look, another strawman.


I'm really not sure what this is supposed to mean in this context. I didn't "make it a thing". It was "made a thing" by whoever decided to sing it, the people who were upset by it, the article that was published, and the person replying to the article before I even knew it took place.

Oh look, someone trying to stir up a dumb argument on the internet because they need attention.

Yes, that's definitely what's happening. I need attention from anonymous strangers on the internet. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø It's definitely not that someone had a bad take. Deny deny deny.

Yes, thatā€™s definitely whatā€™s happening. I need attention from anonymous strangers on the internet.

ooh look, another strawman argument. strawman arguments all over the place today!

I don't think you understand what that means

I understand perfectly. It means this is not a thing, and you never should have tried to make it one.

šŸ˜‚ No, that's not what it means.

Are you actively trying to give us an example of what MAGA outrage actually looks like? Because from here, reading your rantsā€¦. Youā€™re coming off like a very upset Trump supporter.

You replied to a comment with a laughing emoji and insist that I'm "outraged"? Look at yourself bud.

Oh I forgot, as long as you add a laughing emoji, youā€™re completely fineā€¦. bud.

There's nothing in any of my comments to suggest that I'm "outraged". You can project whatever emotions you want onto my comments if that's what makes you happy. There's nothing I can do about it and don't care anyway. Just know that you're only lying to yourself.