Hogwarts Legacy - Developer Blooper Reel

neurosnail@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 81 points –
Hogwarts Legacy | Developer Blooper Reel

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Glorious. I absolutely would love such reels at the end credits of a game.

Maybe even simulated bloopers like with the original Toy Story credits. To watch these characters act like actors would be hilarious.

Or like the L.A. Noire bloopers/outtakes.

Haven't played L.A. Noire yet. Is it worth the money and time?

I think so. It's got an interesting story, and finding all the evidence to catch the perp is pretty fun too imo. It definitely plays up the "noire" of it all, with the pulpy detective cases and interrogations.

Definitely give it a shot.

I loved the DLC they did for Saints Row 4. The game itself was barely good, a lot of wasted potential IMO, but the DLC was exactly this kind of fun.