
8 Post – 333 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You read the name. You know what I am.

little indigenous

I think you mean disingenuous.

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No way! Advertising agencies not checking the quality of their ads?!

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Why can't we get a law going that if you stop supporting some software product, game or otherwise, you should open source it and hand over control to the public?

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Well fuck your thread.


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Given that Revanced patches the YouTube app, Monsieur Vonau is most certainly wrong.

Can we stop with the AI-focused bullshit?

Marketing that is the second place annoyance I have...

This could be the new "redditor answers my question" place for me πŸ€―πŸŽ‰

Wow. That's understandably frustrating.

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Isn't a hotspot a hardware feature?

What is this comment section going on about it being a paid feature originally? How did people pay for software restricted hardware?!

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Glorious. I absolutely would love such reels at the end credits of a game.

Maybe even simulated bloopers like with the original Toy Story credits. To watch these characters act like actors would be hilarious.

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The accuracy of this comment is amazing.

This is an ELI5 explanation. Well doneπŸ’―πŸ’―

How passive aggressive is that response?! Fuck that guy.

You had me in the first half, ngl

I LOVED Windows Phone, and was DEVASTATED when it got discontinued. As a result, for the past 5 years, I've slowly trudged along, trying to reach a position where I can make my Android phone look and (kinda) function like my old Lumia 525.

After years of research, Square Home Launcher. The dev is awesome, and the one-time fee isn't that bad.

Here's how my screen looks:


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It looks hideous. Not everything needs to be a big ass pill shaped widget.

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Heh, look at you, asking this in Lemmy, as if we're all normal.

So, the smaller version of the connector that studios use to this day is ancient, huh?

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I think the most important problem with how this worked out is that many of those who left Reddit by deleting their content didn't find a place to transfer it to on Lemmy or other platforms...

I personally have been intentionally starting conversations recently...

Please tell me this is a shitpost.

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The idea that driving is "fun" is cancer that killed more people than.. well, real cancer. Shows like Top Gear that promote this idea are responsible for more deaths than Nazis.

I was with you right up until here. There's no way to upvote and downvote different parts of a comment, is there?

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Wait... He is? I don't follow news about celebrities as often and only watch movies and shows, maybe some interviews.

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What is up with new games? I have a Predator Triton 300; i7 9th Gen, 16GB/512GB. All games get installed on the SSD instead of the HDD.

I played the new Tomb Raider trilogy (still playing the last one, no spoilers) and it ran smoothly on Medium (some unnecessary stuff turned off) most of the times.

Tried playing new game called Deliver us Mars, disaster. It stutters every. Fucking. Time. ON LOW! What the Fuck?

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Some guy I knew due to a mutual friend. He's the "Sigma Male" type, and is commonly known to make claims with no basis.

Two reasons for the decision:

  1. He kept arguing about religion pulling sources out of his ass and would not produce said sources. He's younger than I am, so I was kind of trying to educate him in healthy discussions... I told him that you cannot make claims without producing sources. His response, " It's a simple Google search. I have work to do. You search for it yourself."

  2. Sometime during the same conversation, he made the claim that the entire LGBTQ community is delusional. Entire. I mean, I would understand why someone would think so about the whole "identify as something something" stuff... It's hard to get any tangible understanding of it beyond the fact that they do not feel like they fit the body they were born in. But all of it? Gay people? Intersex people? Their thing is quite literally a physically and biologically tangible source of information. Like, REALLY?!

And guess what he says?

"Yeah it's all bullshit. I was a part of the community for a while. I was confused. But now I know that it's all bullshit."

First of all, he definitely was NOT 'part of the community'. Secondly, in the absolute rare chance that he was questioning his sexuality and identity, just because he came out straight, doesn't make everyone else bullshit. Like what the fuck?!

Anyway, this is why.

Wow. So many different outcomes. :D

I miss that era of Microsoft.

Cortana being insanely fun to use, Windows Phone existing, the future looking pretty cool.

Then Microsoft Microsoft-ed so hard they had to end it all

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That's a result of devs using the "pause" icon to indicate "paused". And when people tap on the "paused" icon to "play" something, it becomes associated with that.

Blame the UI devs who messed this up.

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I mean, technically it did happen for a reason. Your body hates you.

Also, my sympathies for your condition.

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Ah yes. Google Adsense is just a myth.

Moto Mods. The original Magsafe Accessories champion.

Spark. Absolutely adore it. Once I tried it, I've never gone back.

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I hope you're doing okay now.

This is the first time I've seen Pornhub block a place as opposed to the place blocking PH πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I'm astonished at how they launched Google Assistant with more features and functionality (on all devices), and somehow Assistant got worse over time? And now, they're marketing the same features as before, BUT WITH GENERATIVE AI 🎊🎊🎊🎊

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Wow. Just... Wow.

What fresh new hell is this?


Father-in-law. But yeah.